Sharp click feel with a positive tactile feedback;
Ultraminiature and light weight structure suitable for high density mounting, Economical but reliable;
lnsert molding in the contact with special treatment prevents flux build-up during soldering and permits auto-dipping.
Can be used to operate various multifunctional electronic devices, such as cameras, digital cameras, digital camcorders, and small portable devices etc.
项目 Items | 参数 Standard | |
工作温度范围 Operating temperature range | -30℃ to +85℃ | |
电气性能 Electrical performance | 额定电流 Rating | 10mA. 5V DC |
输出电压 Output voltage | 1V max. at 1mA 5V DC | |
接触电阻 Contact resistance | 100mΩ max. | |
耐用性 Durability | 寿命 Lifetime | 100,000 Cycles |
机械性能 Mechanical performance | 操作力 Operating force | Lever portion:70 ± 40gf Push portion:200 ± 100gf |
行程 Travel | Lever portion:-25° | 0° | 25° Push portion:0.85 ± 0.1mm |